The Ultimate Resource Guide

for Prospective & Practicing Physicians

————Introduction———— provides you with a foundational list of health-related resources to supplement and enhance your ongoing education.  It will get you thinking like the experts while maintaining and broadening your naturopathic perspective. It will enable you to hold intelligent conversations about various topics that interest you.  In short, these resources will help you become the best naturopathic physician you can be.

     My goal is to provide you with an unsurpassed overview of ideas and recommendations that current researchers, physicians, and educators are making through a concise, hyperlinked, easy-to-follow format.  By utilizing this website, you may find your niche more easily, make better recommendations to your current and future patients, and save on considerable amounts of patient preparation time. This guide will also provide you with up-to-date topics you should become familiar with (even if you’re still in medical school), local and online workshops, national and international conferences, app recommendations, book recommendations, podcast recommendations, resources to understand your patients’ religious lives, and even a unique membership benefits page that highlights all the additional perks you automatically get by being a hubND member.  This and much more is all included in your hubND lifetime membership.

“This resource is the ultimate cheat sheet for building a better practice and becoming a more efficient physician” -Mike Gonzales, ND

“It is an amazing resource that’s helps both students and practicing physicians with resources and links to everything that you would need.  It gives you an extra edge, like tools to speed up prep time for patients and so much more.” -Neil Morris, ND, RN

“This is the best resource to hit the naturopathic community that I’ve ever seen” -Aubree Ziegler (SCNM student)

“The patient prep resource is incredible!  I’v been wanting to put something like this together for myself, but haven’t had the time. This website is going to save me a lot of time and energy.” -Rachel Hickey (SCNM student)

“This is perfect for current students and I can only imagine what a resource it will be post-graduation. I’m only a Q3 but seeing all the resources compiled is already bridging the gaps between the classroom and thinking beyond boards.” -Nicole Schmidt (SCNM student)

“This is freaking amazing!” -Shannon Cavanaugh, ND

 “It is really quite excellent what you have done here–basically a portal to all high quality things naturopathic, plus a bunch of member benefit discounts. You have a wonderful product you have developed in hubND” -Joshua Goldenberg, ND

“Wow, I’m very excited about this resource and thankful that this will help students and doctors incorporate evidence-based lifestyle, movement, nutrition, and pharmacotherapy into practice with more ease.” -Sarah Trahan, ND

“Besides the patient prep resource which I use every day, my other favorite tool is the Workshops & Conferences section.  I used to stress out about not knowing what conferences to go to and now I can just look at this and hit the links.”  -Jake Shettell, ND

“I wish I would have known about these resources earlier on in medical school.  After 4 years of school I only gathered a tiny portion of what this platform contains. It’s like the ultimate mentor” -Stephenie Pisacano, ND

“I would easily pay $300 for this resource” -Kailey Williams (SCNM student) [this quote was given when hubND was a quarter of what it is today]

“I recommend this resource to anybody and everybody involved in the health care community”

“This site was made for ND’s by an ND. You need to have this site at your fingertips!” -Sara Fossen of ND Catalyst

“I have to admit, I’m really excited to read up on the topics listed in the research section.” -Ryan Abdelnour (SCNM student)

“It just makes so much sense to have something like this.  I’ve said that since I started here I wish all these resources were compiled into one source because during week one you’re just trying to figure out how to take notes and what platforms to use, then suddenly you have to learn how to write SOAP notes, then the next thing you know you need to reference drugs and medicines, and in the meantime you’re discovering how much you actually want to start exploring a potential niche…So this resource guide is just the perfect answer to so many roadblocks right now and to make things super efficient in the clinic and beyond.  And I see it being a huge game changer in the future for getting crucial information to one another on ONE source vs instagram/facebook/seminars/podcasts etc… that’s all good but this saves so much time and everyone using it will be somewhat on the same wavelength as far as intentions and level of eduction” -Nicole Schmidt (SCNM student)

Copyright © 2019 by Jake Shettell, ND

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the following address:



More Resources


From research to clinical applications, learn from top scientists and holistic minded practitioners.

Topics & Leaders

Learn from the best. This is a topic-specific guide to help you find the pioneers of medicine.

Research Topics

If you don’t understand hormesis, you don’t understand health. Explore important research terms related to medicine.

Business & Referrals

This page is dedicated to helping you become a successful practitioner. Find good & affordable legal, tax, and web help and much more.

Triple Burner

[coming soon] upgrade your membership for access to the three most helpful shortcuts post graduation

Membership Benefits

Your subscription also includes this list of ever growing membership perks. Congrats! Your membership is paying for itself!

Food Guide

You are the nutrition expert. This will help you be comfortable recommending cook books, farmers markets, food delivery services, and more.

Patient Preparation

Fall in love with patient preparation and creating the best treatment plans you can muster.

Physical Medicine

Learn from PTs, Chiros, and fitness gurus. Check out relevant YouTube videos and other resources.


Small investment, big returns. Find the when and where of local and online workshops. Check out the national and international conferences as well.

Patient Culture & Religion

Familiarization with sacred texts and common religious beliefs will enable you to deeply connect with your patients’ culture and spirituality.

Books & Apps

If avid readers make the best CEOs then maybe they make the best doctors too.

Alternative Media

This resource will help you learn to see the world from multiple perspectives and show you some of the greatest transformation coaches.

hubND Store

Elevate your patients to a whole new level of health with these great products. These are a prudent addition to any treatment plan that emphasizes lifestyle modification.