TAP Integrative

Unfortunately, Dr. Lise Alschuler's TAP Integrative website is no longer available online. PDFs were sent out to TAP Integrative subscribers in June 2020. These documents contain most of what was on the website, excluding the expert interview videos. These PDFs...

HubND.org not HubND.com

HubND.org not HubND.com is probably the site you are looking for.  HubND.org is home to the naturopathic resource platform built by Jake Shettell of Shettell Wellness, PLLC.  HubND.com will not lead you to this resource guide.  HubND registration is open. HubND.org...

How to Use HubND in 3 Simple Ways

Here's how to use hubND in 3 simple ways. HubND includes a lot of resources and a lot of links. You're going to explore these links over time and become adept at using them. In the meantime here are 3 simple ways to use hubND as a beginner.   1. Start using the...

Why I Created the HubND Patient Preparation Page

I created the hubND patient preparation page in an effort to build a one-stop shop for naturopathic students and physicians. It's a page that is thoroughly hyperlinked with all the best medical and naturopathic resources. It will launch you in all the right directions...

Getting Started with Your HubND Membership

In this post we will briefly explore each hubND resource tab. Becoming familiar with these resources will broaden your naturopathic skill set and improve your efficiency as a doctor. Podcasts Don't stop listening!  We are living through a new learning revolution. ...

More Resources


From research to clinical applications, learn from top scientists and holistic minded practitioners.

Topics & Leaders

Learn from the best. This is a topic-specific guide to help you find the pioneers of medicine.

Research Topics

If you don’t understand hormesis, you don’t understand health. Explore important research terms related to medicine.

Business & Referrals

This page is dedicated to helping you become a successful practitioner. Find good & affordable legal, tax, and web help and much more.

Triple Burner

[coming soon] upgrade your membership for access to the three most helpful shortcuts post graduation

Membership Benefits

Your subscription also includes this list of ever growing membership perks. Congrats! Your membership is paying for itself!

Food Guide

You are the nutrition expert. This will help you be comfortable recommending cook books, farmers markets, food delivery services, and more.

Patient Preparation

Fall in love with patient preparation and creating the best treatment plans you can muster.

Physical Medicine

Learn from PTs, Chiros, and fitness gurus. Check out relevant YouTube videos and other resources.


Small investment, big returns. Find the when and where of local and online workshops. Check out the national and international conferences as well.

Patient Culture & Religion

Familiarization with sacred texts and common religious beliefs will enable you to deeply connect with your patients’ culture and spirituality.

Books & Apps

If avid readers make the best CEOs then maybe they make the best doctors too.

Alternative Media

This resource will help you learn to see the world from multiple perspectives and show you some of the greatest transformation coaches.

hubND Store

Elevate your patients to a whole new level of health with these great products. These are a prudent addition to any treatment plan that emphasizes lifestyle modification.