HubND membership gives you access to a variety of resources at discounted prices.  The content on hubND is not the only benefit you are getting…not by a long shot.

I have reached out to several physicians, entrepreneurs, and companies and told them about the hubND community we are building through our hubND membership program. We are a powerful group of individuals and I have quickly learned that these other doctors, entrepreneurs, and companies are excited to offer those with hubND membership their products and services at uniquely discounted prices.  Here are few, and the list is growing.

Probiotic Advisor, Ben Lynch’s courses, Brent Brookbush’s content, Website Developers, Energy Workers, and Local Workshop leaders!

But trust me, this list is going to grow and grow.  I’m reaching out to healthy meal preparation and delivery services, healthy local restaurants, spas, massage therapists, CE credit videos, and CEOs of companies that offer quality products that naturopathic patients could benefit from.  So stay tuned!!!

Additional benefits come in a variety of other ways. Let’s say you end up being on an advisory committee for a new product on the market, why not give your fellow hubND members a discount? It’s a group of students, doctors, and patients that you can market to so it can easily become a win win win situation. A win for members because they pay less, a win for you because you reach more people, and a win for the company because they ultimately sell more product and get their name out there. Or let’s say you get really good at treating a specific patient population or you get really good at treating a specific condition or using a specific modality, whereas before you didn’t have a community you could offer a workshop to, well, now you do. Just get in touch with me and we’ll figure something out. hubND membership benefits

Imagine another scenario, one in which you want to train MDs and DOs how to become functional medicine doctors. You could set up an LLC with that as your prime focus. Imagine how much easier it would be to train docs to become holistic minded when they can use the hubND platform as their primary training ground. The patient prep tab alone would do wonders. You could seriously set up a thriving business centered around this idea. I have an extended family member that reached out to me about After seeing all the resources, he was eager to show it to his family and friends, He became the first (non-official) hubND affiliate and now he’s getting people in his community to sign up. He’s making some meaningful income from it on the side. You can do that too. Get patients to sign up, get family members to sign up, get doctors to sign up, get your community to sign up. Become an affiliate and make some cash while you’re at it.